Wednesday, April 11, 2007

the search continues...

Okay, I can't help myself, I need to post about some more interesting searches that have led people to my blog:

"why doesn't apostles' creed mention scripture?"
"can you die from burning plastic"
"cuban galoshes"
"computer hair stille"
"leaders chocolate store winnipeg"
"I woke up early sunny day lyric"

and finally...

"david dammann"

Oh noes! I'm found out! (see the 5th line or so in that post) I even checked the IP address, and the search really did originate in Germany, which is where we both lived when said crush occurred in grade 4.


Karl said...

Okay, his name is David "Da Man", everyone probably has had a crush on him.

Diedre said...

Karl, that's an awesome observation. You must be right.