Monday, April 09, 2007

home sweet home

I had a good weekend. At first I wasn't sure if I was ready for a break, because I have so much stuff to do at work that I wouldn't know what to do with a long weekend of not working on it. Anyway, that's precisely why I needed a good, long weekend.

I spent a lot of time at home. I spent a fair bit of time sewing my bridesmaid dress for my brother's wedding. I did the dishes. I cooked dinner for my aunt. We went out to Aaron's Oma and Opa's on Sunday afternoon. We went to church twice. We watched TV and cuddled. We slept in a lot. We went for a walk. We ate lots of paska. Aaron did homework.

It felt so GOOD! I feel like I have re-established this apartment as my home. When work is busy, I can get absorbed in it to the point that I can't get my mind off it when I'm at home. Then, I spend much of my evening trying to distract my mind from work, and it ends up feeling like I am always hiding from one part or another of my brain, and that being at home is just some sort of bunker to protect me from the outside world. This nice, long weekend was a time for me to remember that this apartment is my home, and I love it, and I love spending time here, and I like doing all sorts of creative and home-making things here besides just hiding from my over-active brain.

I have no idea if that makes sense, but the point is, I had a good and refreshing and rejuvenating weekend at home. Hopefully some of that can carry over into my next two weeks of work (which will be very busy once again) so that coming home can be exciting because I like it here, not just because I'm hiding.

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