Wednesday, March 28, 2007

because quiz thingers are cool

---10 Firsts---
First Best Friend:: Larissa Friesen
First Screenname:: D4ATLC (no joke)
First Pet Name:: I forget. They were goldfish and I was very young. I know one of them was named after a young adult at my church.
First Piercing:: Nose
First Crush:: David Dammann (wouldn't it be funny if he googled this one day and found out!)
First CD:: do you mean tape? Clumsy by OLP.
First School:: River Elm Elementary School, Winnipeg
First House Location:: a few miles outside of Rosenort, MB
First Kiss:: Aaron
First Car:: Daisy! (2004 Mazda 6, silver)

---9 Lasts---
Last Time You Smoked:: 2004, to celebrate grad. and before that? Thanksgiving 1997 or something. And that's it. I guess I'm not much of a smoker.
Last Food You Ate:: dried figs
Last Car Ride:: home from a youth party at church
Last Movie You Watched:: School of Rock (at said youth party)
Last Phone Call:: something at work
Last CD You Listened To:: Weezer, the blue CD
Last Bubble Bath You Took:: probably when I was a kid. pre-1993, I think
Last Song You Listened To:: The Sweater Song (Weezer, remember?)
Last Words You Said:: something to Aaron about not reading over my shoulder

---8 Have-You-Evers---
Dated A Best Friend:: no, he became my best friend sometime after we started dating
Been Arrested:: no
Been On TV:: yes
Eaten Sushi:: yes!
Cheated On Your B/F:: no
Been On A Blind Date:: no
Been Out Of The Country:: does living in Germany for 4.5 years count? I mean yes.
Been In Love:: yes

---7 Things You Are Wearing---
1:: blue cords
2:: the famous "my bird is faster than your car" t-shirt
3:: purple zip-up hoodie
4:: polka-dot underoos
5:: boring socks
6:: bra
7:: umm...a hair elastic?

---6 Things You've Done Today---
1:: ate yogurt & granola for breakfast
2:: went to work
3:: drove in rush hour (I'll do penance later for my disgusting contribution to air pollution)
4:: went to church for youth group
5:: watched an episode of Lost
6:: wrote this thingy!

---5 Favorite Things (not in any order)---
1:: Aaron
2:: sunshine
3:: trees
4:: people (family, friends, hobos, etc)
5:: green

---4 People You Most Trust--- [not in any specific order!]
1:: God
2:: Aaron
3:: my parents
4:: lots of other people

---3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die---
1:: visit all the Canadian Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador. (I've already visited all the other provinces)
2:: go back to Germany
3:: have a family

---2 Choices---
Vanilla or Chocolate:: Chocolate
Hugs or Kisses:: kisses!

---1 Person You Want To See Right Now---
1:: Karl or Tobin. Or Mom or Dad or Meghan. And lots of other people. I've been homesick these days.

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