Tuesday, January 16, 2007

new earthly posessions

On Friday, Aaron and I had a long date while we were waiting for the mechanics to fix the brakes on our car. During the course of this date, we bought fun stuff. I got a pair of those croc shoes to use as slippers when I'm at work, so as to protect my socks from the dog hair, dog drool, and tracked-in snow and dirt that find itself on the floor. It turns out you can buy these little thingies to stick in the holes of your crocs...Aaron insisted on buying me a little gecko. It now lives on my shoe, and it is fun. I also got the same store to order in a different pair of shoes in my size, so hopefully I'll replace my worn-out merrills by the end of the week.

Aaron found and bought a cute pair of everyday shoes as well. He doesn't like it that I call them cute, but that's just the first word that comes to mind. I suppose "funky" could work as well, but they're not crazy shoes or anything, so "cute" just works better.

I got a bellydancing scarf! It's black and has silver "coins" that jingle when you move. It's super-fun-tastic.

Also, we bought the game Quarto, which I played a lot in high school over my lunch hours. We bought it because we were looking for a 2-person game to play at home for when we don't feel like watching TV or playing computer games, and when we want to play games but none of our friends can come over. It's fun.

Oh, and now I've lost my watch. Hopefully it will turn up again soon.


annemarie said...

yay! new shoes! i got my fluevogs today, so i can be in the new shoes club too! (they are fabulous.)

Jan said...

Wait...a real gecko or a stuffed gecko?

Diedre said...

I found my watch.