Sunday, November 19, 2006

worry wart

Today I was worrying that I had offended someone inadvertently. Aaron seemed to think that girls/women spend a lot more time and energy worrying about what other people think as opposed to guys/men.

While this men/women thing is certainly true in our relationship, I was wondering if it was really as universal as he made it sound.

What do you guys think? Have you observed the same in yourself and/or others?


Jan said...

I don't tend to subscribe to the "women are like this/men are like this" mentality, but I do know that of Paul and me, I'm the more likely to worry about what other people think.

Paul said...

I think Jan probably spends more time worrying about what other people think than I do.

She tells me that she has already commented to this effect, but I don't see that comment yet, so I'm making my own comment. And here it is.


Diedre said...

Aaron usually avoids "men/women" generalizations too, which is a big part of the reason why his comment made me curious.

Karl said...

Hmm, among myself and my relatively underdeveloped fresh-out-of-highschool friends there is no such trend. There are huge differences in how much my friends worry about what other people think, but none of it follows any sort of gender-trend.

Elliot said...

I think Melissa and I both worry about that kind of thing - she may do so a bit more, but not by much.

So how are you guys doing after the big storm with the water advisory and everything?

Diedre said...

We boil a big pot of water every evening, put it out on the balcony to cool off overnight, and put it through the Brita in the morning.

Even after the Brita it's kinda cloudy, though. But it mostly tastes okay. We also bought lots of juice to drink (we were too late to buy water, it's all sold out).