Friday, November 24, 2006

gut monster

Sorry about the long pause between posts. I've been having a glass is half full kind of week. And for the past two mornings I've woken up with a gut monster. That's a little monster that lives in my gut and twists my insides and randomly pokes my brain so that it yelps "I hate you!" or just plain "Fuck!", but not actually out loud...yet. I like to save up my swears for sewing days.

Anyway, by the afternoon my gut monster was gone, thank goodness!

This evening I went grocery shopping, and the half and half cream I wanted was on the top shelf and nowhere near the front. Since there is a big milk room behind the shelves in the milk fridge, I stuck my head in and hollered, "Hello? Is anyone in there? I can't reach the cream!" I removed my head from the milk fridge to see a Safeway employee looking at me funny. I asked him if he could go in there and push all the cream to the front, at which point it sunk in that this guy was about seven feet tall, so sure enough, he just reached in and grabbed one for me.

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