Tuesday, August 08, 2006

half-full or half-empty

I think it's kind of funny and scary that PMS actually exists. For me, I'll often be crabby and full of mood swings for a few days before I stop and think "Hey, what's wrong with me? My actions and emotions have been absolutely bizarre for days!" at which point I'll start counting days/weeks and then the light will dawn: "Ohhhhh...THAT'S why." It's as if for 7 days, something in the pit of my stomach shifts from my usual "the glass is half-full" to a concrete sense of angsty "half-emptiness." Anyway, it weirds me out that the world can look that different from one week to the next. I can't even imagine what it must be like to have a diagnosed mental illness like depression.


Dr. K. Fehr said...

Depression is like the glass is dry empty and if you ever got any water there'd be someone to push you down and take it anyway. Suckity-suck-sucks.

annemarie said...

i get the same emotional deal every month. added to which, my back will be all sore and sad for a week and i'll be worried that the spasms will come back, and then all of a sudden i'll remember. you'd think i would learn.

that, and since i went on the b.c., it seems that the day or two before i am utterly retarded.

Elliot said...

Yeah, depression's like that. Like wearing sunglasses and then wondering why the world is so dark.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatelym or fortunately?, I get the same. you would think after a few year of this you would anticipate the mood swings and everything, but in my case I always get caught at some point thinking: AAAARRGGGGH!!!! oh... wait... am I... I think I might... and then I don't finish my sentence and just roll my eyes. At which point, my husband sigh with relief, because he knows if I say it first then it's ok to talk about it, if not, he better be all padded up to receive the teeth and the nails for daring to mention it!

Ahhh, the odd things of life!


Jan said...

D, is it so half-empty you're never going to post on your blog again??!!!