Thursday, August 03, 2006


I went to see the fireworks yesterday. I LOVE FIREWORKS!!! When I was a bride-to-be and reading all those crazy magazines, the only themed wedding I read about that wasn't tacky beyond all belief was a fireworks-themed wedding. I totally could have had a fireworks wedding. Except we got married in January, and nobody would have had fun shivering in the cold while watching fireworks.

So, Vancouver has one of those international set-the-fireworks-to-music competitions. Yesterday's performance was brilliant, it was all set to jazzy music, including some Gershwin and also the Pink Panther (which had low, dim pink stars for the sneaky-sounding bits and then really glitzy ones for the pizzazz parts). One of my favourite things that they did was slowly build a rainbow (over the course of maybe a minute or so) from shooting lots of those plain red stars off to one side, then adding some orange ones that shot a little more vertically, and then some yellow ones pretty much vertically, etc., until they had a big rainbow fan of coloured shooting stars. I like it that they got really creative by using a whole bunch of cheap fireworks that any joe shmoe could buy instead of only showing off with the $500 a shot big ones (which were also very impressive).

I also enjoyed the really fun and classy jazz selection they used. I've seen these fireworks competitions done with classical selections, which are also cool, but classical just gets done way too much with fireworks. Then there are the more "avant-garde" presentations with Madonna and Euro pop and who knows what other kind of weird stuff, and these ones just end up bit bizarre. But the Gershwin was just plain sexy. I'm not even a huge fan of Gershwin to begin with, but he totally can do fireworks!

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