Friday, August 04, 2006

I had an argument with my dream

Last night I had a dream about the waterslides in West Edmonton Mall. I dreamt that we were there on an off day and the place was practically empty, so the lifeguards let Aaron and me in for a single free slide. Luckily I had my bikini in my bag, so I got to look fantastic instead of going in my t-shirt and shorts. I tried to get to the biggest waterslide, but I kept getting lost in all the staircases. When I finally gave up and decided to slide down the one that was in front of me, I found that I was wearing my glasses, which obviously couldn't come down the slide with me.

At this point I (the dreamer) had to draw the line with my dream. I knew for certain that I had left my glasses with Aaron, but the dream started arguing with me as if caught red-handed, "Well, you're wearing them now so obviously you didn't leave them with Aaron." I argued back, "WHATEVER. I left them with Aaron and you're just to proud to admit that you forgot. My glasses are down there with Aaron, so you'd better not keep pretending they're up here on my face." "! You're still wearing your watch and a necklace and your earcuff AND your socks! Bet you didn't think of taking those off! You'll just have to leave them up here, slide down, and then climb all the way up to get them again anyway! Nya nyaaah!"

I was pretty sure I hadn't been wearing any of those things with my bikini in the first place, but since I hadn't made a point of leaving them with Aaron, I couldn't prove that the dream was wrong and outside its usual jurisdiction of making things randomly different than they were five minutes ago. Like how there was now a huge lineup behind me that was impatient for me to stop arguing with my dream and get on the damn slide. So I took off my watch, necklace, earcuff and socks (note the absence of my glasses...the dream had to give me that one) and went down the slide. Then a whole bunch of other stuff happened, including Christmas, and I woke up before I ever got back to my socks at the top of the slide.

1 comment:

Elliot said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one that has those dream arguments.