Friday, July 07, 2006

bid for the papacy

In a short 15 minutes I discovered my dream job and then promptly had all my hopes dashed. I want to be the pope. I am perfect pope material! I love fiddling in church administration and committees and keeping the unity of the communion and such, and I have a pastoral streak, and I've got a good start on my education with a Bachelor of Theology. And by the time I'm 70 and ready to be the pope, they could be ready to elect a woman to the papacy. It was all perfect in my mind...I don't even have that huge a beef with infant baptism and the Virgin Mary...and then Aaron reminded me that I'm not celibate. DAMN! There's really no way to get out of it either...divorce and murder are sure ways not to be the pope. So, we've agreed that if Aaron dies a natural death in the next 10-20 years, I'll convert and start logging Roman Catholicism hours in order to be pope. Seriously, being the pope would be wicked awesome! I'd get to live in the Vatican with secret passageways and priceless art and a really nifty library!

Besides aspiring to be the pope, I also spent several hours cleaning our apartment today. It feels really good to have it so clean! To celebrate, we're going to have people over on Sunday so we can show off how clean and organised our home is. If you're reading this, you're invited. See you there!


Paul said...

Diedre, I would love it if you were the pope!

Jan said...

I would so come visit you in the Vatican.
But I would be pretty sad if Aaron was dead...

Elliot said...


are hilarious.

You'd make a good Archbishop of Canterbury!! [said wheedlingly]

Dr. K. Fehr said...

No dice! The papacy is mine!