Friday, May 05, 2006

yummer summer

Today somebody mowed the grass in front of our apartment, and we all know what that smells like...yummy summer!

I'm getting tired of all the traffic noise outside our bedroom. Here's the proof: Last night I had a dream about low-flying military helicopter exercises. Seriously. The only weird thing is that the helicopters looked a little more like tanks with rotor blades on top instead of like normal military helicopters, but I hardly think that diminishes my point. Tanks and military helicopters are two of the most noisy things I have ever experienced.

When, might you ask, have I experienced tanks? Let me tell you. At age 7 (1989) I lived in Berlin, and my family thought it might be an interesting cultural experience to attend a gigantic military parade on a communist national holiday. On this day I learned that tanks are loud. I remember trying to yell something at my parents, but they couldn't hear me no matter how loud I yelled.

In other news, I'm feeling much better. I can eat things! I even went to work today, but I had to go home after 3 hours because I guess I hadn't practiced standing up for more than 15 minutes at a time yet...I felt like falling over. But I'll be back again tomorow.

1 comment:

Elliot said...

I bet the diesel fumes at the parade were pretty awful too!

Those Commies and their tanks...