Thursday, April 06, 2006

the chain letter that destroyed the world (or not)

Here's a little tidbit about me: I'm a sucker for quizzes. Especially the ones where you fill in a bubble with a pencil. I love those! So, without further ado: the chain letter/blog quiz thinger!

Four jobs I've had:
1. barista
2. office drone (I've had this job several times over in different settings.)
3. toy store!
4. telephone surveyor (two of the wierdest weeks of my life)

Four movies/shows I've been addicted to:
1. Firefly
2. Babylon 5
3. Cowboy Bebop
4. The Late Show with David Letterman

Four places I've lived:
1. Winnipeg
2. Berlin
3. Toronto
4. Vancouver

Four countries I'd like to visit: (off the top of my head)
1. China
2. Israel/Palestine
3. Iceland
4. Bora Bora (or pretty much any other tropical island)

Four popular false assumptions about me:
1. that I'm crazy
2. that I'm sane
3. that I'm confident and don't care what others think of me
4. I give up, I can't think of a fourth.

Four people I look like:
1. my mom
2. Avril Levigne (according to Steph W)
3. probably my mom's 3 cousins who look exactly like her
4. my friend Liz (according to wedding dress salespeople, but what do they know?)

Four things to do before I die:
1. visit all provinces and territories (only 1 province and 3 territories to go!)
2. master how to whistle really loud (like with my fingers in my mouth)
3. have kids
4. live overseas again

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