Thursday, April 06, 2006

four completely unrelated paragraphs

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that my manager may finally have found a shift supervisor position for me (this means a raise/promotion). The bad news is that this position requires me to transfer to a mall food court. It's difficult to consider a transfer from a nice, comfy neighbourhood coffee shop to a food court a promotion...I'm not sure the extra money would be worth it. Good news: I don't have to take the promotion. Bad news: I still have to work at the food court for two weeks to give it a try. Eww, eww, gross, yuck, eww.

A happy thing happened today! I saw a mom playing face games with her baby, and the baby SMILED the way only babies can. Their entire face, body and soul all smile at the same time! It's awesome. I have decided that I need to have a baby in my life. Unfortunately, Aaron and I are in no financial position to have a baby, and I also want to get used to marriage for a few years before we expand our family of 2. So, someone out there needs to have a baby for me! I need a niece or nephew! Unfortunately (again), I have basically zero prospects for a biological niece/nephew unless somebody has an accident, so someone out there needs to give me an honorary niece/nephew! I need a baby! I promise to babysit if you have a baby for me, whoever you are. (Nudge and poke to all you marrieds...also, move to Vancouver so I can babysit your baby.)

The other day I dreamt that my teeth were cracking and crumbling and falling out. It all started with the gums pulling away from one tooth so that its root started poking out. Without the gums to hold it in, it fell out. I was somewhat aware that this was a dream, so I put the tooth back in and willed it to take root again, because sometimes you can do that in dreams. But I failed and my tooth broke in two, and then I really couldn't make it grow back in. So why am I telling you about my tooth dream? I woke up from it and realized that I have had many, many dreams about my teeth breaking and coming out before. These teeth dreams are recurring dreams for me, and I never realized it until now! I've been dreaming this for years! Weird how you don't notice things like that sometimes. My other recurring dream theme is that I'm late and everytime I'm ready to go to the thing I'm late for, something else comes up that makes me even later. I always wake up before I get there. It's so stressful. I like to joke that I married my worst nightmare...*cough*Aaron*cough*.

Yesterday I came home late from work after dark. It smelled like a summer night! Winter nights always smell wet and cold, unless you live in Winnipeg or somewhere that cold and then the night smells like nothing at all because all the smells freeze and drop right out of the air. I like summer night smells because it always seems like you can smell everything that happened that day. At night, the day whispers away its secrets, and if you pay attention, you can smell them.

1 comment:

Elliot said...

Your tooth dream may also be a sign that you need to go to the dentist.

No really! It's something I've heard a lot of people say - they'll have a reoccuring dream about their liver or their ears or their left knee and then go for a check-up and discover that it needs medical attention. I mean, sometimes it's only hypochondria, but sometimes it's your body's way of letting you know something's up.