Sunday, May 27, 2007

fun in the sun

Last week I saw a dog that was so tiny and skinny that when it was walking towards me (with some sunshine glare behind it) it was practically invisible. As I passed the dog, I was surprised by how large it actually was, at least in terms of height and length. It was like that CBC kids' show Slim Pig.

Today Aaron and I went to the beach, and there was a very large grassy area near the beach, and it was COVERED in little daisies. I thought maybe there were 1 or 2 million daisies there. After some rough estimation (which included counting the daisies in a representative square metre, and pacing out the size of the field), we concluded that there were in fact more like 11.6 million of them. Isn't that amazing?

1 comment:

Kinsey said...

Yay math! And also daisies.