Wednesday, February 28, 2007

feel the burn

I set my oven mitts on fire yesterday. I must have brushed one of them against the top coil in the oven as I was taking the chicken out. As I held them both in one hand and fussed with the chicken with the other hand, I thought, "I know the rosemary was getting a little toasted, but it just doesn't smell like I thougth burning rosemary would...OH!" Anyway, I suppose it happens to the best of oven mitts.

I'm kind of scared of work this week, I'm in charge of a 3-hour event for 90 teenagers on Saturday. I don't feel prepared!!!


Elliot said...

Just don't set them on fire!

Diedre said...

Who, the teenagers? Hmmmmm...

Jan said...

Hmm... I was just in charge of a 30-hour event for 9 teenagers.