Sunday, September 03, 2006


I always thought Steve Irwin was invincible. Apparently not. I won't say he had it coming, because that's rude, but I will say that those who live by the sword must be prepared to die by the sword (or by nature, or whatever your chosen lifestyle's risks are). I only hope that he and his family understood the possible consequences of his actions and were prepared to deal with them. At least this way the legend kind of lives on...he didn't die in a mundane way like a hit-and-run, he died out where he loved to be. I think that counts for something.

Thank you, Crocodile Hunter, for adding your wonderful personality to this world. You will be missed.


Jan said...

I heard this on the radio this morning, it's pretty sad since he has young kids, but I totally agree with you, he took extreme risks doing what he loved and in the end, he died doing it. Let's all remember to say a prayer for his wife and kids in this time of sorrow.

Laura said...

It is just so crazy that he died in such a weird way. I've always expected to hear that he was killed by a croc or a snake, but a sting ray? I've seen sting rays, and while being stung doesn't sound fun, they don't seem aggresive or terribly dangerous! It's a sad thing.