Tuesday, August 15, 2006

most certainly half full

No Jan, the glass is not so half-full that I will never publish my blog again. I just don't always have something blogworthy to say, and I don't care to waste people's time and brain cells with something that I wouldn't want to read. But, for your sake, let me attempt to blog something worthy of reading:

Last night we tied our last Ultimate Frisbee game of the season. Then we went out to a pub, and it was fun. We talked about doulas, and why it makes guys more comfortable to call them "childbirth labour coaches" instead of something hippie like "doula." We let Bailey and Dan talk about some of their more extravagant drunken adventures in order to impress the new girl on our team. The jury's out on whether or not they were successful. The new girl Christina and I bonded over being from Toronto and the difficulty of making friends in a new place. Dan invited me to take dancing lessons with him, and Aaron took half-hearted exception to the fact that Dan was hitting on his wife. I had a nice chat with Julia about irritating jobs we've had. Julian and Julia (yes, they're a couple whose names only differ by one letter) ordered poutine once again, which I think is kind of gross. Aaron and I had nachos. I had a brown cow, which satisfied my dessert craving. Everyone else had pitchers and/or pints of beer. People played pool and Robi made possibly the best shot of his life.

So, that's what happened yesterday. Now comes the feedback: Is a blog entry in the style of "what I did today" worthy of your time, or shall I stick to the stories that I think are truly interesting? (Admittedly, what I often have a different idea of what is interesting to jabber about than other, so this may be a futile conversation.)


Elliot said...

No, it was interesting, in a soap opera kinda way.


Aaron: "Diedre, I'm a little more than half-hearted in my exceptions. I hate that Dan guy. I'm going to kill him."

Diedre: "But he's the mother of our children!"

Julian & Julia: "Not if we have anything to say about it! We have plans of our own for this planet! Your melodrama's no match for our telepathy!"

Christina: "Aw crap. I wish I were back in Toronto."


Diedre said...

3 words, Elliot:

Best. Comment. Ever.

Anonymous said...

it really was the best shot of my life.

Elliot said...

Thanks!!! :-D

Laura said...

I agree with Diedre's assessment of Elliot's comment!

Also, agree that your posts are worth my time. You are too far away and after living with you I don't like only knowing the really big things in my friends lives. I like knowing some of the small things too!