Monday, June 26, 2006

leftover thoughts

I forgot to mention that I had totally predicted what Meghan's ring would look like, just off the top of my head with no clues whatsoever. I called a white gold ring with three diamonds (a big one in the middle). I even have witnesses to the fact that I predicted before I ever saw any pictures.

Yesterday I ate raspberries and the empty bowl looked like bloody murder (or perhaps pagan sacrifice) had occurred. I wanted to take a picture, but Aaron washed it.

The bus stop where I transfer busses to get to work has a glass shelter, right up against the hedge of the cemetery that's behind it. The glass apparently functions as a greenhouse, because there's a whole bunch of morning glories in the hedge, but only right behind the bus shelter. Maybe I'll take a picture sometime. It is the most beautiful part of the cemetery.

Cemeteries in Vancouver are ugly. They are functional, have a few random trees, and mowed lawns. Cemeteries in Toronto are much prettier. There's this thing called "landscaping" that means curving paths, flower beds, shrubs and more trees. My mom loves going for a walk in the cemetery near her house. I would never set foot in a Vancouver cemetery unless I had to pay my respects to someone. Lets take a survey: are the cemeteries in your town beautiful or just functional?

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