Saturday, June 03, 2006

it has been too long

Hi I'm back! I was uninspired and untalkative this week. But I have THREE job interviews next week! Crazy, eh? One is just an interview for a promotion to shift supervisor at the coffee shop (finally), one is for a church secretary position, and one is for an urban after-school children's/youth ministry sort of job. Plus, I have a little contract for some word processing/editing this week. Weird how my jobhunting can be so dead for so long, and then suddenly go nuts. We'll see how things turn out.

My once-roomie Mimi got married a week ago yesterday. I thought of her this week when someone messed up my chai latte and made it with regular milk instead of soy. Mimi always drank "soy beverage" because she said it was better for you and that milk tasted like cow's butt. Now, I usually drink plain old 2%, but when it comes to chai I must have my soy. But this time they messed it up and made it with milk, and you know what? It tasted like cow's butt. I had always thought Mimi was joking.

The light was amazing as I bussed home from work yesterday. It was warm but cool-coloured. The air was full of light, but it wasn't bright, it was just blue somehow. I felt like maybe I was underwater in a really clear lake. It was nifty.

Yesterday a baby chatted me up. He was little and blonde and blue-eyed, and he just sat there in his stroller as it was being wheeled by me. When he first saw me, he started jabbering away in whatever language babies speak before they resort to English. He maintained eye contact and kept the syllables flowing until he was out of sight. Oddly enough, I got the feeling that he was flirting with me. Funny baby.

1 comment:

Elliot said...

Well, babies do have a hankering for boobies...