Monday, May 01, 2006


Today it was very windy, and the wind blew all the flowers off our tree. Now it's just green.

I found out on Friday that my dream job was given to somebody else. Perhaps this had something to do with the grumpy. It's alright though, I can see how the people they hired were better qualified. We were encouraged to apply when the job comes up again in 2 years, so I know we still made a good impression.

I am having a FANTASTIC hair day. I'm talking shampoo-commercial-quality hair. As far as I can tell, I did nothing different than usual, so I don't know how to have a repeat good hair day.

There is a crabby lady at work. She seems to enjoy manufacturing personality conflicts between herself and others. I suspect it's all because she likes to gossip and needs something to bitch about at work. Anyway, crabby lady paid me a nice compliment today, so I'm confident that she likes me and won't be griping about me behind my back. This feels good.

I only have 5 days left of work in the mall food court. The people are great (with the possible exception of crabby lady), but it's so freaking noisy and chaotic in the food court! I can't wait to be back at my own store, mainly because then I might be able to figure out what the crap is going on with my supposed promotion and training to be shift supervisor. I have reason to believe that absolutely nothing is happening on that front and that they just moved me to the mall to maintain the facade that "something is in the works" with my coffee career.

We had dinner with the in-laws today, and it was fun. We got to hear some juicy family gossip. I enjoy learning about my new extended family.

My mother-in-law let me cut some fresh lilacs to take home. Lilacs are our engagment flower (me and Aaron, that is). Now our home will smell pretty.

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