Wednesday, May 17, 2006

body language

On the weekend, my friend Robi mentioned that he tends to notice people's body language in restaurants. I sometimes try and figure out people's body language in my coffee shop. Today I met with an interesting and slightly disturbing puzzle.

First there was a man in his late 40's or early 50's. His body language was fairly normal: smiling, confident, relaxed, not particularly noteworthy in any way. He was accompanied by a girl whose age was hard to nail down, but she was teenaged-ish. Her body language hit me from across the room. She walked with swinging hips, chest out, chin up, and smiled too much. It had overly feminine results. She was dressed in a white blouse and black skirt, wore lip gloss and a necklace, but had a slightly unfashionable short haircut.

So here's what I can't figure out: Was she aware of her sexual body language? Did she just think she was being grown-up and sophisticated without realising its implications? Was she possibly even "with" the older man? Was she trying to hit on him? What was the nature of their relationship? Was it a job interview that she was trying too hard for? Everything about her behaviour said "I'm sexy and sophisticated and VERY available, hahaha!" but she was also obviously young and trying too hard. Anyway, it totally weirded me out.

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