Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Anglican liturgy rocks my world

So, all my bloggish Anglican friends (see links to their blogs to the <---left) have written the same thing in their blogs for Easter, and every time I read the "call," I feel the need to respond. I can't keep silent. So, here goes:




In my church on Sunday morning, they changed it up for some reason and used a different response, and it was funny when the pastor's own wife, up front in the choir, loudly responded with "Christ is risen indeed" anyway! It's okay though, I did too. I always feel like a little school kid with their hand in the air when someone starts a liturgical call and response-type thing like that. "Oooh! Oooh! I know the answer! HE IS RISEN INDEED! Yesssss!" (Think Napoleon Dynamite for that last bit there.) I find myself muttering "Thanks be to God" all the time in church too. The Mennos must think I'm crazy.

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