Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, ______ and ______

Pickles, pink umbrella, waking up and feeling weightless instead of like a leaden statue, caramel drizzle, e-mails from old friends, a full 8-hour day of work, learning that the boss of my boss isn't so scary after all, curry rice, cute husband all sleepy and grumpy like a little boy: these were the joys of my day.

The pain in the ass of my day? The intar-web failed to function for an hour. This is even more frightening because we have an internet phone, so we also had no dial tone. To think I was going to get rid of my cellphone!

The other pain in the ass of my day was waking myself up early enough to make sure that my sleepy and grumpy husband would actually get out of bed and go to class, and then getting up myself two hours later to find him sleeping on the couch, even more sleepy and grumpy than before. Silly husband. (But he was so cute...)

Okay, another joy of my day is telling the world how cute Aaron is when he's sleepy and grumpy. He's sure to resent that if he ever gets around to reading my blog.


Anonymous said...

I'll get right on that...

Anonymous said...

oh he's SO CUTE when he's grumpy!