Monday, March 20, 2006

on the theme of teeth

At church on Sunday I met a British man with really bad teeth!

Outside I saw a puppy who was desperately playing tug of war with her owner by biting on a dangling end of her leash. The owner was not impressed and just kept walking with a look of absolute boredom on her face. The puppy, however, was undaunted, and continued to have the time of her life. I think the dangling handle end of the leash was probably more effective at keeping the dog nearby than the collar end.

I had a good, long weekend and I'm dreading going back to work today. I just don't want to! I need a better job. I will grit my teeth and bear it. Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised and have a good day!


Elliot said...

So British people really DO have bad teeth!

Elliot said...

Hey, I just noticed that you have a link to MY blog! And I didn't even know YOU had a blog until, like, someone told me.

I am ashamed. And flattered.

Ashlattered! Or flashamed.

Diedre said...

I do this thing where I read my friends' blogs and then all their linked ones, so I figured I'd add yours too, since I read it often enough.

Cute picture of George!