Monday, March 20, 2006


Today I am sad because a friend of mine is going through a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad time, and it makes me want to cry.

I am also happy today because it is the first day of spring! Huzzah! I know because I smelled it in the air, and I felt the sun on my face. I also smelled freshly mowed grass. I am so ready for this! You know what's funny? I could have sworn I smelled the first day of spring a few times already this year. I think maybe there are several key days in the transition from winter to spring, and you can smell each step. So really, the first time I smelled spring, it was nothing compared to today. It just keeps getting better! This can be used as a metaphor for very many things, I'm sure. Today I choose to apply it to my brand new marriage, because each week seems bigger and better than the last.

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