I'm not dead yet! ....wait...okay maybe...yeah.
Hello readers! It seems that this blog has passed its golden age of multiple posts per week. But that's okay. I'm not an aspiring writer, and I'm not a professional blogger, so it's not really that disappointing to me. For a while I felt very fulfilled by writing here, and now it just doesn't seem that important to me. But perhaps that's just another passing phase. Who knows?
So, welcome to "Die Stille im Lande II"!
I will not fully abandon this blog, rather, I will simply write here whenever I feel like it--no more, no less. I will feel no burdensome obligation to update, but I will also not eliminate this venue of expression. There will be no further need to check for weekly updates, but I would still appreciate it if you would check on a monthly basis. If you want to read more here, please leave comments! There is nothing quite so encouraging/inspiring as comments!
I am commenting! Hooray.
Dad is next to me and we're going out to lunch with Tob for his birthday.
Later Deed! :D
Well, I read your blog! But I didn't really know what to say so I didn't leave many comments. Plus I didn't want you to think I was stalking you or anything. [Goes back to rifling through Diedre's garbage.]
I check in at your blog each morning while I am trying to postpone starting work. I think the secret is to have a journal where people can't leave comments, and then you simply don't worry about it :-) .
Yeah, I post regardless of comments too, but I've noticed that getting comments really encourages and inspires me to post more often!
Happy Birthday, Diedre! I guess you might not see this for a while, but I've been checking here occasionally for your interesting observations and insights. Just want you to know that I'm still praying for you, even though the official days of our partnership in the church mentoring program are long gone. Blessings!
Thank you, Erika! It might interest you to know that I have just begun a new mentoring relationship with a woman from my church here in Vancouver. We've only met once so far, but it looks promising. Perhaps that's another thing to pray for?
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Hey you. Now you have lots of comments, you should be inspired to post!! Happy belated birthday. sorry I missed it - especially after all the effort I went to to make sure you don't forget my birthday!! But my excuse is that I live in rwanda and internet is a bum here. Love you:)
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