Saturday, August 19, 2006

wedding funs

Robi and Rikki are married now! I'm amazed at how the managed to pull together a wedding in two short months.

My attire for the days events also followed the "last minute" theme. I have this great green silk corset top that I made almost a year ago, and I had yet to wear it to a really nifty event (although I did wear it to meet Neil Gaiman...but that wasn't really a dress-up occasion). So on Tuesday I went shopping for a good skirt to wear it with. Shopping was futile, however, because things were either ugly/stupid or way too expensive. For example, I found a really fun skirt for $120, but really I could have made it myself.

So I did. Except I only managed to go fabric shopping the afternoon before the wedding, and I only managed to actually start anything after dinner at around 9pm. So I stayed up until 5 sewing a skirt. Luckily I could sleep in until noon because the wedding only started at 3. I got many lovely comments on my skirt and top. One of Robi's friends said I was the best dressed person there, and a friend of the family said my top was "very classic...and other things," which Aaron heartily agreed with. Nothing like a nice vanity boost from time to time!

I was an ushette! I like being an usher-type, because you get all of the random but useful tasks. I was the guardian of the bridesmaids' purses, the putter-of-things on seats for people in the processional, and a general message conveyor. At the reception, I met a baby named Kai, and I got to hold him and he smiled at me even though he was super-tired. I also met a toddler named Matthew when he very deliberately ran his forehead into my knee. Who knows why kids do these things?

Congratulations Rikki and Robi!

1 comment:

Elliot said...

Oh no, the famous head-to-knee attack!!! Truly, his style is fearsome.

Wait, that's a stupid thing to do... Even if you are only two feet tall.