Saturday, August 26, 2006

cabin fever

Aaron and I have been looking at our money situation, and it's looking kind of iffy as to whether we can make it out to Toronto for Christmas or not. (We're making my brother's wedding in May our first priority for travelling to Toronto, so Christmas got bumped down the list.) If we don't go for Christmas, it will be a full 17 months of staying in BC without visiting my home town. I also realize that is has now been a full 12 months since I was last in Manitoba, and if we wait until next summer, it will be a 2-year absence, and that's assuming we even can visit then.

I am not used to staying in one spot like this! I travelled all the time when I was a student, and even when I lived at home with my family in Toronto, we drove to Manitoba once or twice every year to see our extended family. Our only vacation this summer was when we road-tripped up to Dawson Creek, and although that was super-awesome, we never even left the province. (We really should have gone to the Yukon when we had the chance.) I guess I'm not sure I can handle it. I've got cabin fever.


Anonymous said...

At least you're not homesick. I'm homesick, and I haven't even LEFT yet.

Anonymous said...

Hurray!!!! You're coming in MAY!!!!!!!!! That's exciting!!!!! (apparently I have an exclamation mark problem today :) ) If you can come at Christmas too, that would be even more super exciting, but knowing that you'll be there in May is great!

I can also understand the cabin fever feeling... by the end of this academic year (only 8 months... not your crazy 17) I was going nuts IN my home town. My vote is for a sporadic trip to.... Seattle (or the surrounding area). You'd be leaving BC AND the country. Just go for a weekend and have an adventure in a new place. :D