Saturday, July 15, 2006

musical brilliance

Thank God there is an abundance of musical brilliance in this world! I take it as proof that God exists. Here is a list of some of the musical brilliance I have enjoyed in the past 7 hours of scanning:

Cake - Witty (with a capital W), clever, and content that feels real ("No Phone" is a particular favourite)

Bjork - totally inspires me. so many brand-new ideas.

Frou Frou - "Let Go" strikes a good philosophical chord in my heart

Moist/David Usher - sexy voice. mmmen.

Bush - Gavin Rossdale also has the voice of a mmman. hot accent too.

Johnny Cash - "Man in Black" makes me think he should have been Roman Catholic. The Suffering Christ can be a very powerful comfort and inspiration.

U2 - self-explanatory if you know anything.

Maroon 5 - really sexy and not shallow. they talk about stuff. like relationships. but for real.

Hawksley Workman - really really really sexy, period. and way to not be afraid of bizarre metaphors! go get 'em, boy.

Smashing Pumpkins - when Billy stops screaming, they have some fantastic stuff. Screaming Billy does not always equal. But then again, Screaming Billy is sometimes the most brilliant thing the Pumpkins have. I suspect I am making no sense here, so let's move on...

Foo Fighters - fantastic energy

Propellerheads - sweet groove of the gods

Yes. As you may be able to tell, 7 hours of scanning has fried my brains to little bacon bits. I'm going to go listen to more music. And eat blueberries. Namaste.


Anonymous said...

HOoray for divinely inspired music!

Also, if you want an amazing CD, you should pick up Alina by Arvo Pärt. It's classical music, but it's 52 minutes of the most calming and in my opinion, holy music ever. By the end of the first track, I was bawling (in a healing way) and I felt SO amazing when the CD was over.

Glad to hear you're doing well!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mmm.... Good call Steph -- Arvo Part rocks. If I can send you down some more classical stuff -- try Christos Hatzis :) all sorts of different influences

Anonymous said...

Hey Deed...if you like Frou Frou you should check out Imogen Heep (same chick...gone solo)especially "Hide and Seek" soooo cool!