Saturday, June 24, 2006

What I Found When I Returned Home

So Liz might think she's awfully clever and has figured out What I Found When I Returned Home. But she is wrong! When I Returned Home, I Found an e-mail from the hiring man in the jobA/jobB fiasco. Turns out his darling for job A turned him down, so now he's offering it to me! I still need to do a second interview and do the references thing, but my impression of hiring man is that as soon as a mildly suitable candidate arrives at his doorstep, he just shoos them in. (This may sound like a self-putdown, but really it's just demonstrating my tweakedness that he didn't really give me a chance until his first candidate opted out. But I'll get over it, it's not a mortal insult or anything.) So, look forward to me having a brand new 40 hours per week job in September!

Two days AFTER I returned home, I came home from work to be instructed by my husband to call my brother. This information immediately put the lights in my eyes, because I have been patiently waiting for this phone call some time already. MY BROTHER TOBIN IS ENGAGED! TO MEGHAN! I am absolutely fantastically thrilled. Ask anyone who was at my house at the time. That night we went out for sushi, and we toasted the happy couple with our green tea, and then I was so exuberant that later we had to toast my new sister-in-law (to be) with our gelato cups. I like Meghan and Tobin and Tobinandmeghan very much. Everybody celebrate!

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