Thursday, March 23, 2006

my new favourite customer

Today its grey and windy, but it's really cool! First of all, the clouds are high enough that I can still see the mountains, so I don't fell claustrophobic at all. I feel claustrophobic when the clouds are so low that I can't see anything beyond a city block or two. Second, the cherry blossoms are starting to fall, so it looked like it was snowing, only it was more joyful because blossoms skip and twirl around far better than snow. And third, it was still warm enough that it was truly enjoybale! The occasional spatter of raindrops made no difference. The weather was good.

Today was also super-awesome because I got to test-drive a Segway. There's this regular customer at my coffee shop who has one, and yesterday I commented that I'd never seen him driving it, I'd only ever seen him bring it in the store to park. So, he asked what time I was off today, and he brought it by! He even brought me a helmet. I had to keep telling myself to wipe the idiotic grin off my face, because I must have looked like the giddy fool I am. Those things are really well designed! They have different speeds and all kinds of failsafes, and they balance themselves without so much as a shudder. Seriously, you can just stand on one and let go. One day when I'm rich, I'm totally buying one of those. Hopefully by then they'll come down in price.

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